Embedded Persistence Manager Factory
This tutorial will guide you through setting up an embedded Onyx Database, configuring the connection using the Embedded Persistence Manager Factory, and performing basic operations.
Note: Cloud vs. Open Source Implementation
This guide focuses on the Onyx Open Source Database. In contrast, the Onyx Cloud Databaseoffers managed services where persistence managers are encapsulated, eliminating the need for manual configuration. For more details on the cloud implementation, refer to our comprehensiveUser Guide for Onyx Cloud Database.
The cloud database provides additional features such as enhanced security, scalability, and automated backups.
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Why Use Embedded Persistence Manager Factory?
An Embedded Persistence Manager Factory is essential for configuring your PersistenceManager to persist data permanently to your local hard drive or SSD. Onyx Database automatically caches all your local data, ensuring high performance for data retrieval. For smaller datasets, the entire dataset is memory-mapped. For larger datasets, automatic caching is determined by your off-heap memory allocation and optimized by a built-in intuitive caching algorithm that discards the Least Recently Used (LRU) and Least Frequently Used (LFU) records.
Note: It is best practice to use the factory to create a global singleton instance rather than constructing a new manager each time you use it.
Setup and Configuration Steps
Follow the steps below to set up your project with the Embedded Persistence Manager Factory.
Step 1: Add Onyx Dependency to Gradle
or build.gradle
file.1repositories {
2 mavenCentral()
3 maven {
4 url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/OnyxDevTools/onyx-database-parent")
5 credentials {
6 username = "github_username"
7 password = "github_access_token"
8 }
9 }
12dependencies {
13 implementation("com.onyxdevtools:onyx-database:3.4.4") // Embedded Database
14 implementation("com.onyxdevtools:onyx-remote-database:3.4.4") // Remote Database Server
15 implementation("com.onyxdevtools:onyx-remote-driver:3.4.4") // Remote Database Client
Step 2: Create an Instance of EmbeddedPersistenceManagerFactory
1import com.onyx.persistence.EmbeddedPersistenceManagerFactory
2import java.io.File
4val pathToOnyxDB = System.getProperty("user.home") +
5 File.separator + ".onyxdb" +
6 File.separator + "sandbox" +
7 File.separator + "embedded-db.oxd"
9val factory = EmbeddedPersistenceManagerFactory(pathToOnyxDB)
10factory.setCredentials("onyx-remote", "SavingDataIsFun!")
13val manager = factory.persistenceManager
Step 3: Set the Database Credentials
Step 4: Set the Database Location
Note: In this example, the database files are stored in a hidden folder.
Step 5: Set Up the Database Connection
Note: In this example, no Schema Context is specified, therefore, a DefaultSchemaContext will be created for you.
Step 6: Get the PersistenceManager from the PersistenceManagerFactory
Step 7: Save Data Using the PersistenceManager
Step 8: Close the Persistence Manager Factory
- Invalid username or password: Verify that the credentials provided in your configuration are correct.
- Invalid configuration: Check for issues such as incorrect encryption settings or a mismatched encryption key.
- Invalid database location or contents: Ensure the database path is correct and the contents are valid.
- Dependency not found: Ensure that you've added the correct repository to your build tool configuration and that your GitHub credentials are valid.
Next Steps
Congratulations! You've successfully set up an embedded Onyx Database. To further enhance your knowledge, proceed to the next tutorials: