Creating a Database in Onyx Cloud

Learn how to create a database in Onyx Cloud using our dashboard. This guide will walk you through each step, from defining the database details to configuring optional settings.

Steps to Create a Database


Navigate to the Databases Page

Open the Onyx Cloud dashboard and select Databases from the sidebar menu.

Databases Page

Fill Out Database Details

Complete the database creation form with the following fields:

  • Database Name: Provide a unique name for your database.
  • Description: Add an optional description for the database.
  • Plan: Select the desired database plan (e.g., Basic Shared, Dedicated).
  • Region: Choose a region for your database (e.g., New York 1, Amsterdam 3).
Database Details Form

Configure Optional Settings

Set up additional configurations based on your needs:

  • Enable Encryption: Ensure your database data is encrypted.
  • Enable Journaling: Keep track of changes for improved data recovery.

Complete and Save

Review your inputs and click Create to finalize the process.

Your new database will appear in the list on the Databases page once created.

Next Steps

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